
Name : Renhai Shi
Department : Lab of Advanced Materials and Processing
Title :Associate Professor
Address :Institute of Advanced Materials and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, 30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China
Zip code :100083
Office Location : 418 Room, Tumu Building
Office Telephone : 010-62332253
Mailbox : renhai_shi@ustb.edu.cn
Personal profile:
Dr. Renhai Shi received his Bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering from University of Science and Technology Beijing (China) at 2011 as well as his PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Nevada, Reno (USA) at 2016. He worked in The Ohio State University (USA) as a Post-Doctoral Researcher on March 2017 to January 2020 on advanced materials design of lightweight alloys with an integrated methodology of CALPHAD and Process Simulation as Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME). He is presently Associate Professor at University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China.
Research direction:
1. High-Throughput Experiment & Database construction;
2. CALPHAD phase diagram & Diffusion Kinetics;
3. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME);
4. High-performance lightweight Alloy (Mg, Al, Ti, Cu, HEAs).
Scientific research achievement:
1. R. Shi*, Nonisothermal dissolution kinetics on Mg17Al12 intermetallic in Mg-Al alloys, J Magnes Alloy, (2021).
2. D.Zhao, R. Shi, P. Evans, A. Luo, K. Xie*, On the exceptionally high ductility of Mg–2Zn-0.3Ca-0.2Ce-0.1Mn alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 819(12):141484 (2021).
3. A. A. Luo*,R. Shi, J. Miao, T. Avey, Review: Magnesium Sheet Alloy Development for Room Temperature Forming, JOM, 73(1) (2021).
4. R. Shi, J. Miao, T. Avey, A. A. Luo*, A new magnesium sheet alloy with high tensile properties and room-temperature formability, Scientific reports, Scientific Reports 10(1):10044 (2020).
5. R. Shi, Z. Zhu, A. A. Luo*, Assessing phase equilibria and atomic mobility of intermetallic compounds in aluminum-magnesium alloy system. J. Alloys. Compd., 825, 153962 (2020).
6. R. Shi*, Applications of CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagram) modeling in organic orientationally disordered phase change materials for thermal energy storage. Thermochim. acta, 683, 178461 (2020).
7. Z. Zhu, R. Shi. A. D. Klarner, A. A. Luo*, et al. Predicting and controlling interfacial microstructure of magnesium/aluminum bimetallic structures for improved interfacial bonding, J Magnes Alloy, 8(3): 578-586(2020).
8. R. Shi, J. Miao, A. A. Luo*, A new magnesium sheet alloy and its multi-stage homogenization for simultaneously improved ductility and strength at room temperature. Scr. Mater. 171, 92-97 (2019).
9. R. Shi, J. Meier, A.A. Luo*, Controlling particle/metal interactions in metal matrix composites during solidification: the role of melt viscosity and cooling rate. Metall. Mater. Trans. A. 50, 3736 (2019).
10. R. Shi, T. Avey, A. A. Luo*, A CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams)-based viscosity model for Al-Ni-Fe-Co melt system. J. Mol. Liq. 291, 111271 (2019).
11. R. Shi*, D. Chandra, W. Chien, J. Wang, High-throughput thermodynamic computation and experimental study of solid-state phase transitions in organic multicomponent orientationally disordered phase change materials for thermal energy storage. CALPHAD, 64, 66-77 (2019).
12. R. Shi, A. A. Luo*, Applications of CALPHAD modeling and databases in advanced lightweight metallic materials. CALPHAD, 62, 1-17 (2018).