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Name : Zhuangzhuang Liu

Department : Lab of Advanced Materials Processing

Title :Associate Professor

Address :Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, 30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China

Zip code :100083

Office Location : 321 Room, Corrosion Building

Office Telephone : 010-62332253

Mailbox : liuzhuangzhuang@ustb.edu.cn

Personal profile:

Bachelor degree at USTB, 2006-2010;

Master degree at Central Iron and Research Institute, 2010-2013;

Doctor degree at KU Leuven (Belgium), 2013-2017;

Postdoctoral research at KU Leuven, 2017-2020;

Associate professor at USTB, 2020-now.

Research direction

1. Additive manufacturing of high temperature alloys (Ni-, Fe-, Ti-, etc.);

2. Development of novel technologies for additive manufacturing;

3. Rapid solidification and heat treatment.

Scientific research achievement:

[1] M Montero, Z.Liu*, L Bautmans, S Nardone, G Ji, J Kruth, J Humbeeck, K Vanmeensel. Effect of temperature on the microstructure and tensile properties of micro-crack free Hastelloy X produced by selective laser melting. Additive Manufacturing, 2020, Vol. 31:1-11.

[2] Z Liu*, P Jones, B Blanpain, M Guo. CO desorption and absorption in molten steel: A review. ISIJ International, 2021, Vol. 61(5): 1337–1347.

[3] Z Liu*, P Jones, M Kendall, B Blanpain, M Guo. On the CO desorption and absorption in liquid low-carbon steel. ISIJ International, 2021, Vol. 61(5): 1357–1362.

[4] Z Liu*, L Zhang, A M, B Blanpain, M Guo. Non-Newtonian behavior of solid-bearing silicate melts: an experimental study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, Vol. 493: 65-72.

[5] Z Liu*, L Pandelaers, B Blanpain, M Guo. Viscosity of heterogeneous silicate melts. A review. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018, Vol. 49(5): 2469-2486.