









王伦滔,博士。2020年毕业于法国巴黎文理大学,获工学博士学位。2020年至2023年,先后于法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)表面物理化学研究中心及美国俄亥俄大学多相流腐蚀中心(ICMT) 从事博士后研究工作,博士后合作导师分别为Phillipe Marcus教授和Srdjan Nesic教授。在此期间参与包括欧洲研究委员会(ERC)研究创新基金(741123)、美国国家自然科学基金(1705817)支持的合金表面钝化处理、管道材料表面防护研究等项目及课题。2024年起在北京科技大学新材料技术研究院进行教学科研工作。以第一作者身份在Corrosion Science,Journal of Electrochemical Society等期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇。担任 Corrosion Science, Applied Surface Science等权威期刊的审稿人,并受邀担任Crystals 杂志关于“Corrosion and Oxidation of Alloys”特刊的客座编辑。


1. 合金材料的腐蚀与防护
2. 耐蚀新材料的研发
3. 表面防护技术


1Wang L, Wang H, Moradighadi N, et al. Investigation of iron dissolution mechanism in acidic solutions with and without dissolved CO2–Part II: ToF-SIMS 3D mapping[J]. Corrosion, 2024: 4512.

2 Wang L, Zanna S, Mercier D, et al. Early-stage surface oxidation of the equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy studied in situ by XPS[J]. Corrosion Science, 2023: 111310.

3Wang L, Wang H, Seyeux A, et al. Adsorption mechanism of quaternary ammonium corrosion inhibitor on carbon steel surface using ToF-SIMS and XPS[J]. Corrosion Science, 2023: 110952.

4Wang L, Seyeux A, Perriere L, et al. Insight on passivity of high entropy alloys: thermal stability and ion transport mechanisms in the passive oxide film on CoCrFeMnNi surfaces[J]. Corrosion Science, 2021:109540.

5Wang L, Mercier D, Zanna S, et al. Study of the surface oxides and corrosion behaviour of an equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy by XPS and ToF-SIMS[J]. Corrosion Science, 2020: 108507.

6Wang L, Voyshnis S, Seyeux A, et al. Ion transport mechanisms in the passive film formed on 304 L stainless steel studied by ToF-SIMS with 18O isotopic tracer[J]. Corrosion Science, 2020: 108779.

7Wang L, Seyeux A, Marcus P. Thermal stability of the passive film formed on 316L stainless steel surface studied by ToF-SIMS[J]. Corrosion Science, 2020, 165: 108395.

8Wang L, Seyeux A, Marcus P. Ion Transport Mechanisms in the Oxide Film Formed on 316L Stainless Steel Surfaces Studied by ToF-SIMS with 18O2 Isotopic Tracer[J]. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167(10): 101511.