刘 超
姓名:刘 超
邮箱: liuchao@ustb.edu.cn
1. 2020年,北京市科学技术发明一等奖;
2. 2021年,中国腐蚀与防护学会科学技术一等奖;
3. 2022年,中国腐蚀与防护学会科学技术一等奖;
4. 2022年,湖北省科学技术二等奖;
5. 2023年中国腐蚀与防护学会“杰出青年”成就奖
6. 2024年,河北省科学技术进步二等奖;
7. 刘超、李晓刚、程学群 等;耐腐蚀抗震钢材、钢筋及其制备方法;ZL202111046964.6。
8. 刘超、李晓刚、程学群 等;耐蚀低密度钢及其制备方法;ZL202210127289.8。
9. 刘超、张沙沙、李晓刚 等;抗点蚀马氏体硬化不锈钢;ZL202211050539.9。
10. 刘超、车智超、李晓刚 等;一种抗点蚀316L不锈钢及其制备方法;ZL 202311725584.4
11. 刘超、李晓刚、张天翼 等;一种简易多规格C环变形量测量装置;ZL 202010006970.8
12. Xu D, Chen T, Yang G, et al. Insight into the effect of oxygen content on the corrosion behavior of X70 pipeline steel in a typical simulated soil solution by dissolution-diffusion-deposition model. Corrosion Science, 2024, 240: 112478.
13. Chen T, Shang T, Jiang G, et al. Effect of SO2 and NH3 on the corrosion failure of Zn-Al-Mg coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2024, 493: 131244.
14. Jiang Z, Chen T, Che Z, et al. Effect of Ca-Mg microalloying on corrosion behavior and corrosion resistance of low alloy steel in the marine atmospheric environment. Corrosion Science, 2024, 234: 112134.
15. Liu T, Chen T, Zhou X, et al. Investigation of Cr and rare earth (RE) on the corrosion resistance of HRB400 rebar in simulated concrete pore solutions containing chloride and sulfate ions. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 423: 135935.
16. Liu C, Wang B, Cheng X, et al. Identification of Corrosion Factors in Blast Furnace Gas Pipe Network with Corrosion Big Data Online Monitoring Technology. Corrosion Science,2024,230,11190.
17. Li N, Wang B, Liu T, et al. Revealing the coupling of multiple corrosion behaviors in the corrosion process of titanium-steel composites in marine environment. Corrosion Science, 2024, 233: 112107.
18. Zhang T, Hao L, Jiang Z, et al. Investigation of rare earth (RE) on improving the corrosion resistance of Zr-Ti deoxidized low alloy steel in the simulated tropic marine atmospheric environment[J]. Corrosion Science, 2023: 111335.
19. Liu C, Li C, Che Z, et al. Influence of cementite coarsening on the corrosion resistance of high strength low alloy steel[J]. npj Materials Degradation, 2023, 7(1): 43.
20. Yang S, Che Z, Liu C, et al. Mechanism of the dual effect of Te addition on the localised corrosion resistance of 15-5PH stainless steel. Corrosion Science, 2023: 110970.
21. Zhang T, Li Y, Li X, Liu, C.,et al. Integral effects of Ca and Sb on the corrosion resistance for the high strength low alloy steel in the tropical marine environment. Corrosion Science, 2022, 208: 110708.
22. Liu C, Revilla R I, Li X, et al. New insights into the mechanism of localised corrosion induced by TiN-containing inclusions in high strength low alloy steel. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 124: 141-149.
23. Liu C, Li X, Revilla R I, et al. Towards a better understanding of localised corrosion induced by typical non-metallic inclusions in low-alloy steels. Corrosion Science, 2021, 179: 109150.
24. Liu C, Jiang Z, Zhao J, et al. Influence of rare earth metals on mechanisms of localised corrosion induced by inclusions in Zr-Ti deoxidised low alloy steel. Corrosion Science, 2020, 166: 108463.
25. Liu C, Revilla R I, Zhang D, et al. Role of Al2O3 inclusions on the localized corrosion of Q460NH weathering steel in marine environment. Corrosion science, 2018, 138: 96-104.
26. Liu C, Revilla R I, Liu Z, et al. Effect of inclusions modified by rare earth elements (Ce, La) on localized marine corrosion in Q460NH weathering steel. Corrosion science, 2017, 129: 82-90.