1. 著作
[1] 李晓刚,刘智勇,杜翠薇.材料土壤腐蚀, 科学出版社, 38.5字, 2021.
[2] 刘智勇,李晓刚,杜翠薇,董超芳,典型材料油气田腐蚀实验评价方法,科学出版社,22.5万字,2016.
[3] 李晓刚,刘智勇,杜翠薇,董超芳,肖葵,程学群,石油工业环境典型应力腐蚀案例与开裂机理,科学出版社,30.2万字,2014
[4] 李晓刚、杜翠薇、路民旭等,材料腐蚀学科发展报告,中国科学技术出版社,30万字,2012.
[5] 李晓刚,高瑾,张三平,杜翠薇,卢琳, 高分子材料自然环境老化规律与机理, 科学出版社,58.2万字,2011.
[6] 李晓刚,董超芳,杜翠薇,高瑾,卢琳 译(Derek Hull著), 断口学, 科学出版社,46.3万字,2009.
[7] 李晓刚,董超芳,肖葵,杜翠薇等, 金属大气腐蚀初期行为与机理, 科学出版社, 40.8万字,2009.
[8] 李晓刚,杜翠薇,董超芳,刘智勇, X70钢的腐蚀行为与试验研究, 科学出版社,27.7万字,2006.
[1] 李久青,杜翠薇, 腐蚀试验方法及监测技术, 中国石化出版社,43.5万字,2006
[2] 李晓刚等,材料腐蚀与防护概论第2版,机械工业出版社,46.5万字,2017
[3] 李晓刚,杜翠薇,腐蚀实验方法及监检测技术(第二版),中国石化出版社,50.1万字,2021。
[1] Meihui Sun, Cuiwei Du, Zhiyong Liu, Chao Liu, Xiaogang Li, Yumin Wu, et al. Fundamental understanding on the effect of Cr on corrosion resistance of weathering steel in simulated tropical marine atmosphere[J]. Corrosion Science, 2021, 186: 109427. (SCI)
[2] Meihui Sun, Xiaojia Yang, Cuiwei Du, Zhiyong Liu, Yong Li, Yumin Wu, Hongyu San, Xiandong Su, Xiaogang Li, et al. Distinct beneficial effect of Sn on the corrosion resistance of Cr–Mo low alloy steel[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 81: 175-189. (SCI)
[3] Fu Y, Li J, Luo H, et al. Recent advances on environmental corrosion behavior and mechanism of high-entropy alloys[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 80: 217-233.
[4] Jun Li, Zhiyong Liu, Cuiwei Dua, Xiaogang Li.Revealing bioinorganic interface in microbiologically influenced corrosion with FIB-SEM/TEM.CORROSION SCIENCE,.2020, 173:108763,
[5] Chunduo Dai, Tianliang Zhao, Cuiwei Du, Zhiyong Liu, Dawei Zhang.Effect of molybdenum content on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of FeCoCrNiMox high-entropy alloys, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2020,v46,p64-73.
[6] Yulin zhang ,Fei Chen, YouZhang, Cuiwei Du. Influence of graphene oxide additive on the tribological and electrochemical corrosion properties of a PEO coating prepared on AZ31 magnesium alloy.TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,2020,146:106135.
[7] Si Yu,Yuntian Lou,Dawei Zhang,Enze Zhou, Zhong Li, Cuiwei Du,Hongchang Qian,DakeXu, TingyueGu, Microbiologically influenced corrosion of 304 stainless steel by nitrate reducing Bacillus cereus in simulated Beijing soil solution,BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY,2020,133:107477.
[8] XiaojiaYang, Jiamin Shao, Zhiyong Liu, Dawei Zhang,Liying Cui, CuiweiDu, Xiaogang Li.Stress-assisted microbiologically influenced corrosion mechanism of 2205 duplex stainless steel caused by sulfate-reducing bacteria. CORROSION SCIENCE, 2020, 173: 108746.
[9] Chunduo Dai, Hong Luo, Jun Li, Cuiwei Du, Zhiyong Liu, JizhengYao. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electrochemical investigation of the passive behavior of high-entropy FeCoCrNiMox alloys in sulfuric acid. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE.2020,149.143903
[10] Tianliang Zhao, Zhiyong Liu, Xuexu Xu, Yong Li, Cuiwei Du, Xingbo Liu. Interaction between hydrogen and cyclic stress and its role in fatigue damage mechanism. CORROSION SCIENCE, 2019,157: 146-156
[11] Hongxia Wan, dongdong Song, Cuiwei Du, Zhiyong Liu, Xiaogang Li. Effect of alternating current and Bacillus cereus on the stress corrosion behavior and mechanism of X80 steel in a Beijing soil solution. BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY. 2019,127: 49-58.
[12] Jun Li, Cuiwei Du, Zhiyong Liu, Xiaogang Li, Ming Liu .Effect of microstructure on the corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steel. Part 1: Microstructure evolution during isothermal aging at 850 degrees C and evaluation of anticorrosion properties by methods of cyclic potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance tests.CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2018 ,189: 1286-1293.
[13] Xiaojia Yang, Cuiwei Du, Hongxia Wan, Zhiyong Liu, Xiaogang Li, Influence of sulfides on the passivation behavior of titanium alloy TA2 in simulated seawater environments.APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2018,458:198-209.
[14] Hongchi Ma,Cuiwei Liu, Du, Xiaogang Li. Effect of SO2 content on SCC behavior of E690 high-strength steel in SO2-polluted marine atmosphere. OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2018,164: 256-262.
[15] Hongxia Wan, , Dongdong Song, Dawei Zhang, Cuiwei Du, Dake Xu, Zhiyong Liu, De Ding, Xiaogang Li. Corrosion effect of Bacillus cereus on X80 pipeline steel in a Beijing soil environment. BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY. 2018, 121: 18-26.
[16] Baorong Hou, Xiaogang Li,Xiumin Ma,Cuiwei Du,Dawei Zhang, Meng Zheng, Weichen Xu, Dongzhu Lu, Fubin Ma. The cost of corrosion in China. NPJ MATERIALS DEGRADATION. 2017, 1: 4
[17] Hongxia Wan, Cuiwei Du, Zhiyong Liu, Dongdong Song, Xiaogang Li. The effect of hydrogen on stress corrosion behavior of X65 steel welded joint in simulated deep sea environment. OCEAN ENGINEERING,2016,114:216-223
[18] Xiaogang Li, Dawei Zhang, Zhiyong Liu, Zhong Li, Cuiwei Du and Chaofang Dong. Share corrosion data.Nature, 2015, 527: 441-442.
[19] M.Zhu, C.W. Du, X.G. Li, Z.Y. Liu, H. Li, D.W. Zhang. Effect of AC on stress corrosion cracking behavior and mechanism of X80 pipeline steel in carbonate/bicarbonate solution[J]. Corrosion Science, 2014, 87:224-232.
(1) 2022年获冶金科学技术奖二等奖,“钢铁材料环境腐蚀评价技术体系创新与工程应用”;
(2) 2020年获北京市技术发明奖一等奖,“高性能低合金耐蚀钢系列钢种研制及应用成套技术”;
(3) 2017年获中国腐蚀与防护学会科技进步一等奖,“管线钢综合阴极保护技术及工程应用”;
(4) 2016年获教育部科技进步一等奖,“材料环境腐蚀数据信息系统创新与工程应用”;
(5) 2016年获山东省科技进步一等奖,“材料海洋环境腐蚀数据积累、规律和共享服务”;
(6) 2015年获江西省科技进步二等奖。“金属材料在我国酸性土壤环境中腐蚀数据积累、规律研究和工程应用”;
(7) 2015年获北京市自然科学三等奖。“管线钢土壤应力腐蚀机理与关键环境影响因素作用规律基础研究”;
(8) 2015年获中国腐蚀与防护技术发明一等奖,“材料环境加速腐蚀试验新技术”;
(9) 2011年获国家安全生产监督管理总局第五届安全生产科技成果奖一等奖,“埋地钢质管道外腐蚀检测评价技术研究”。