所在系所: 腐蚀控制系统工程研究所
邮编: 100083
[1] B.Z Sun, Q.Y. Wang, Y. Pan, Z.Y. Liu*, C.W. Du, X.G. Li, Understanding the non-steady electrochemical mechanism on SCC of 304 SS under applied polarization potentials[J]. Corrosion Science, 2024, 227: 111686.
[2] X.X. Xu, W. Wu, N. N. Li; L. L. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z.Y. Liu*, X.G. Li, Effect of 0.1 wt% Nb on the microstructure and corrosion fatigue performance of high strength steels[J]. Corrosion Science, 2023, 219: 111242.
[3] B.Z. Sun#, Y. Pan#, J.K. Yang, J. Guo, B. Zhao, X. Liu, Z.Y. Liu*, X.G. Li, Microstructure evolution and SSCC behavior of strain-strengthened 304 SS pre-strained at room temperature and cryogenic temperature[J]. Corrosion Science, 210 (2023) 110855.
[4] Y. Pan#, B.Z. Sun#, Z.Y. Liu*, W. Wu, X.G. Li, Hydrogen effects on passivation and SCC of 2205 DSS in acidified simulated seawater[J]. Corrosion Science, 208 (2022) 110640.
[5] W. Wu, Y. Hong, X.X. Xu, H.L. Cheng, Z.Y. Liu*, Effect of annealing time on the microstructure and SCC behavior of an austenite-based low-density steel in a marine atmosphere[J]. Corrosion Science, 205 (2022) 110466.
[6] B. Liu, M.H. Liu, Z.Y. Liu*, C.W. Du*, X.G. Li, Nitrate-reducing-bacteria assisted hydrogen embrittlement of X80 steel in a near-neutral pH solution[J]. Corrosion Science, 202 (2022) 110317.
[7] X.X. Xu#, H.L. Cheng#, W. Wu, Z.Y. Liu*, X.G. Li, Stress corrosion cracking behavior and mechanism of Fe-Mn-Al-C-Ni high specific strength steel in the marine atmospheric environment[J]. Corrosion Science, 191 (2021) 109760.
[8] B.Z. Sun, Z.Y. Liu*, Y.D. He, F.H. Cao, X.G. Li, A new study for healing pitting defects of 316L stainless steel based on microarc technology[J]. Corrosion Science, 187 (2021) 109505.
[9] M.H. Sun, C.W. Du*, Z.Y. Liu*, C. Liu, X.G. Li, Y.M. Wu, Fundamental understanding on the effect of Cr on corrosion resistance of weathering steel in simulated tropical marine atmosphere[J]. Corrosion Science, 186 (2021) 109427.
[10] W. Wu, Z.Y. Dai, Z.Y. Liu*, C. Liu, X.G. Li*, Synergy of Cu and Sb to enhance the resistance of 3%Ni weathering steel to marine atmospheric corrosion[J]. Corrosion Science, 183 (2021) 109353.
[11] X.X. Xu, Z.Y. Liu*, T.L. Zhao, Q.Q. Cui, T.L. Zhang, X.G. Li*, Corrosion fatigue behavior of Fe-16Mn-0.6C-1.68Al twinning-induced plasticity steel in simulated seawater[J]. Corrosion Science, 182 (2021) 109282.
[12] T.L. Zhao#, S.Q. Wang#, Z.Y. Liu*, C.W. Du, X.G. Li, Effect of cathodic polarisation on stress corrosion cracking behaviour of a Ni(Fe, Al)-maraging steel in artificial seawater[J]. Corrosion Science, 179 (2021) 109176.
[13] L.Y. Cui, Z.Y. Liu*, D.K. Xu, P. Hu, J.M. Shao, C.W. Du, X.G. Li, The study of microbiologically influenced corrosion of 2205 duplex stainless steel based on high-resolution characterization[J]. Corrosion Science, 174 (2020) 108842.
[14] X.J. Yang#, J.M. Shao#, Z.Y. Liu*, D.W. Zhang, L.Y. Cui, C.W. Du, X.G. Li, Stress-assisted microbiologically influenced corrosion mechanism of 2205 duplex stainless steel caused by sulfate-reducing bacteria[J]. Corrosion Science, 173 (2020) 108746.
[15] W. Wu, Z.Y. Liu*, Q.Y. Wang, X.G. Li*, Improving the resistance of high-strength steel to SCC in a SO2-polluted marine atmosphere through Nb and Sb microalloying[J]. Corrosion Science, 170 (2020) 108693.
[16] Y. Li, Z.Y. Liu*, W. Wu, X.G. Li*, J.B. Zhao, Crack growth behaviour of E690 steel in artificial seawater with various pH values[J]. Corrosion Science, 164 (2020) 108336.
[17] J. Li, Z.Y. Liu*, C.W. Du*, X.G. Li, Revealing bioinorganic interface in microbiologically influenced corrosion with FIB-SEM/TEM[J]. Corrosion Science, 173 (2020) 108763.
[18] T.L. Zhao#, Z.Y. Liu#*, X.X. Xu, Y. Li, C.W. Du*, X.B. Liu, Interaction between hydrogen and cyclic stress and its role in fatigue damage mechanism[J]. Corrosion Science, 157 (2019) 146-156.
[19] Z.Y. Liu*, W.K. Hao, W. Wu, H. Luo*, X.G. Li, Fundamental investigation of stress corrosion cracking of E690 steel in simulated marine thin electrolyte layer[J]. Corrosion Science, 148 (2019) 388-396.
[20] Z.Y. Liu, Q. Hou*, C. Li, X.G. Li*, J. Shao, Correlation between grain boundaries, carbides and stress corrosion cracking of Alloy 690TT in a high temperature caustic solution with lead[J]. Corrosion Science, 144 (2018) 97-106.
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