张 津
姓名:张 津
1. 张津 章宗和,《镁及镁合金应用》,化学工业出版社,2004.11,北京
2. 潘复生 张津 张喜燕,《轻合金材料新技术》,化学工业出版社,2008.1,北京
3. 张津, 《镁合金选用与设计》,化学工业出版社,2017.12,北京
1. Xiong, W., Ma, M., Zhang, J., Lian, Y. The effects of Cr2O3 particles on the microstructure and wear-resistant properties of electrodeposited CoNiP coatings (2020) Surface and Coatings Technology, 381, 125167.
2. Ma, M., Xiong, W., Lian, Y., Han, D., Zhao, C., Zhang, J. Modeling and optimization for laser cladding via multi-objective quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization algorithm (2020) Surface and Coatings Technology, 381,125129.
3. Zhang, S., Xiong, W., Zhang, J., Lian, Y., He, Y. The effects of main salt concentrations and deposition voltages on the structures and properties of cathode plasma electrolytic deposited Cr2O3 coatings (2019) Materials Research Express, 6 (11),115918.
4. Liu, C., Zhang, S., Ji, R., Wang, P., Zhang, J., Tian, Y., Meng, Y., He, Y. Cathode plasma electrolytic deposition of Al2O3 coatings doped with SiC particles (2019) Ceramics International, 45 (4), pp. 4747-4755.
5. Zhang, S., Zhang, J., Ji, R., Lian, Y., He, Y. The effect of electric conductivity on the structure of ceramic coatings prepared by cathode plasma electrolytic deposition (2019) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 224, pp. 36-39.
6. Yuan, X., Zhang, J., Lian, Y., Du, C., Xu, W., Zhao, Y., Mo, J. Research progress of residual stress determination in magnesium alloys (2018) Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 6 (3), pp. 238-244.
7. Zhang, S., Zhang, J., Ji, R., Lian, Y., He, Y. Structure analysis and formation mechanism of Ce doped Al2O3 coatings prepared by cathode plasma electrolytic deposition (2018) Ceramics International, 44 (12), pp. 14465-14470.
8. Gao, W., Lian, Y., Xie, G., Huang, J., Zhang, L., Ma, M., Zhao, C., Zhang, Z., Liu, K., Zhang, S., Zhang, J. Study of dry sliding wear characteristics of stellite 6B versus AISI M2 steel at various sliding velocities (2018) Wear, 402-403, pp. 169-178.
9. Gao, W., Lian, Y., Huang, J.-F., Xie, G.-L., Zhang, L., Ma, M.-Y., Zhao, C., Zhang, Z.-J., Liu, K., Zhang, J. Effect of ambient temperature on the wear performance of typical gun barrel steels (2017) Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Engineering, 39 (11), pp. 1699-1708.
10. Ji, P., Zhang, J., Zheng, L., Xiao, Y., Dou, S., Cui, X., Lian, Y. Comparison of residual stress determination using different crystal planes by short-wavelength X-ray diffraction in a friction-stir-welded aluminum alloy plate (2017) Journal of Materials Science, 52 (21), pp. 12834-12847.
11. Liu, C., Zhang, J., Zhang, S., Wang, P., Lian, Y., Deng, S., He, Y. Preparation and properties of ceramic coatings by cathode plasma electrolytic deposition on titanium alloy (2017) Surface and Coatings Technology, 325, pp. 708-714.
12. Gao, W., Zhang, J., Huang, J., Lian, Y., Zhang, L., Ma, M., Zhao, C., Zhang, Z., Liu, K. Research Progress of Degradation Failure of Interface of Chromium Coating and Steel Substrate in Gun Bores (2017) Cailiao Daobao/Materials Review, 31 (7), pp. 90-98 and 125.
13. Zhang, L., Zhang, J., Yu, Q., Li, H., Lian, Y., Gao, W., Ren, Q.-S. Effect of oxide film on tribological properties at room temperature and corrosion performance of QPQ nitride layers on 14Cr12Ni2WMoVNb steel (2017) Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Engineering, 39 (7), pp. 1047-1054.
14. Liu, C., Xiang, Q., Yang, M., Wang, S., Wang, L., Zhang, J., He, Y. One-step preparation of hydrogenated ZrO2 microspheres by cathode plasma electrolysis (2017) Materials Research Express, 4 (7),076204.
15. Liu, C., Zhang, J., He, Y., Zhang, S., Wang, P., Lian, Y., Deng, S. Synergistic effect of PEG and hydrosol treatments of solution on preparing Al2O3 coating by cathode plasma electrolytic deposition,(2017) Materials Research Express, 4 (3),036306.
16. Liu, C., Liu, B., Chen, X., Zhang, J., Duan, W., Guo, J., Han, J., Zhang, Y., Yu, S., Hu, K. Preparation and modification of alkaline bricks by using industrial residues and calcium stearate (2017) Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 36 (1), pp. 21-26.
17. Liu, C., Zhao, Q., Wang, L., Zhang, J., Tian, Y., Meng, Y.One-step preparation of TiO2 particles with controllable phase and morphology by plasma electrolysis (2017) RSC Advances, 7 (63), pp. 39824-39832.
18. Liu, C., Zhang, J., He, Y., Wang, P., Deng, S., Zhang, S. Al2O3 Microspheres Prepared by Cathode Plasma Electrolysis (2017) Australian Journal of Chemistry, 70 (1), pp. 120-124.