职称: 研究员
(2)国家自然科学基金项目—“高导热金刚石/Al 复合材料界面设计与近净形成形研究”(项目号:51004010,课题起止2011.1-2013.12)
[1]Yang Zhao, Shubin Ren*, Qian Liu, Jianhao Chen, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu. Effect of boron on the microstructure and properties of graphite flakes/copper composites fabricated by vacuum hot pressing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2020,815:152425
[2]Shubin Ren, Yuhong Chen, Tingting Liu, Xuanhui Qu. Effect of Build Orientation on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting, Metall and Mat Trans A, 2019, 50: 4388-4409
[3]Yuhong Chen, Shubin Ren*, Yang Zhao, Xuanhui Qu. Microstructure and properties of CuCr alloy manufactured by selective laser melting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,786:189-197;
[4]Shang Feng, Chen Xiaoqiu, Zhang Peng, Ji Zuchun, Ming Fei, Ren Shubin*, and Qu Xuanhui. Novel Ferritic Stainless Steel with Advanced Mechanical Properties and Significant Magnetic Responses Processed by Selective Laser Melting. Materials Transactions,2019,60(6):1096-1102;
[5]Xu, Hui; Zhang, Gong-zhen; Cui, Wei; Ren, Shu-bin*; Wang, Qian-jin; Qu, Xuan-hui .Effect of Al2O3sf addition on the friction and wear properties of (SiCp+Al2O3sf)/Al2024 composites fabricated by pressure infiltration . International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2018,25(3): 375-382
[6]Hui Xu, Jian-hao Chen, Shu-bin Ren*, Xin-bo He, and Xuan-hui Qu.Sintering behavior and thermal conductivity of nickel-coated graphite flake/copper composites fabricated by spark plasma sintering. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2018,25(4): 459-471
[7]Shubin Ren, Jianhao Chen, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu.Effect of matrix-alloying-element chromium on the microstructure and properties of graphite flakes/copper composites fabricated by hot pressing sintering. Carbon, 2018,127:412-423
[8]Jianhao Chen, Shubin Ren*, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu. Properties and microstructure of nickel-coated graphite flakes/copper composites fabricated by spark plasma sintering. Carbon, 2017, 121:25-34
[9] Shubin Ren, Hui Xu,Jianhao Chen, Xuanhui Qu. Effect of Graphite as Forming Additive on Wear Properties of (SiCp+Al2O3f)/Al Composites Prepared by Pressure Infiltration. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2016,31(6):813~820
[10]Shubin Ren, Hui Xu,Jianhao Chen, Xuanhui Qu. Effects of Sintering Process on Microstructure and Properties of Flake Graphite-Diamond/Copper Composites. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2016,31(10):1377~1383
[11] Wei Cui, Hui Xu, Jian-hao Chen, Shu-bin Ren*, Xin-bo He,Xuan-hui Qu. Effect of graphite powder as a forming filler on the mechanical ,properties of SiCp/Al composites by pressure infiltration. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2016. 23(5):601~607
[12] Wei Cui, Hui Xu, Jian-hao Chen, Shu-bin Ren*, Xin-bo He,Xuan-hui Qu. Effect of sintering on the relative density of Cr-coated diamond/Cu composites prepared by spark plasma sintering. International Journal of International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2016. 23(6):716~722
[13]Shubin Ren,Qingnan Hong,Jianhao Chen,Xinbo He,Xuanhui Qu. The influence of matrix alloy on the microstructure and properties of (flake graphite+diamond)/Cu composites by hot pressing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2015,652:351~357
[14] Shubin Ren,Qingnan Hong,Jianhao Chen,Xinbo He,Xuanhui Qu. The influence of matrix alloy on the microstructure and properties of (flake graphite+diamond)/Cu composites by hot pressing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2015,652:351~357 [10] Shubin Ren , Xiaoyu Shen, Caiyu Guo, Nan Liu, Jianbing Zang, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu Effect of coating on the microstructure and thermal conductivities of diamond–Cu composites prepared by powder metallurgy, Composites Science and Technology, 2011,71(13):1550-1555
[15] Shu-bin Ren, Xiao-yu Shen, Xuan-hui Qu ,Xin-bo He .Effect of Mg and Si on infiltration behavior of Al alloys pressureless infiltration into porous SiCp preform,International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2011, 18(6):703-708
[16]Shubin Ren , Xiaoyu Shen, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu. Microstructure characterization of a pressureless infiltrating oxidized SiCp preform by Al-8Mg,International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials,2011.18(2):223-228
[17] Shubin Ren, Xuanhui Qu, Jia Guo. Net-shape forming and properties of high volume fraction SiCp / Al composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 484(1-2): 256-262
[18] Shubin Ren, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu.Effect of controlled interfacial reaction on the microstructure and properties of the SiCp/Al composites prepared by pressureless infiltration.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008,455(1-2): 424-431
[19] Shubin Ren, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu.Influence of binder compositions on rheological behaviors of injection-molded micro-sized SiC suspensions.Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2008,15(3): 297-301 [7]Shubin Ren, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu.Effect of Mg and Si in the aluminum on the thermo-mechanical properties of pressureless infiltrated SiCp/Al composites, Composites Science and Technology, 2007, 67(10): 2103-2113
[20]Shubin Ren, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu.Effect of calcination process on the properties and microstructure of SiC preform and corresponding SiCp/Al composites synthesis by pressureless infiltration.Materials Science and Engineering A, 2007, 444(1-2): 104-112
[21]Shubin Ren, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu.Effect of Si addition to aluminum on the microstructure and thermo-physical properties of SiCp/Al composites prepared by pressureless infiltration. Materials Science and Engineering B, 2007, 138(3): 263-270
[22] Shubin Ren, Xinbo He, Xuanhui Qu.Effects of binder compositions on the characteristic of the feedstock of SiC powder injection molding.Powder Metallurgy, 2007, 50(3): 255-259 [19]Xiaoyu Shen, Shubin Ren, Xinbo He. Study on methods to strengthen SiC preforms for SiCp/Al composites by pressureless. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009,468(1-2): 158-163
[1]一种低成本制备高精度金刚石/Al复合材料零件的方法, 授权号201310593978.9 (第一发明人)
[2]一种低成本制备高精度金刚石/Cu复合材料零件的方法, 授权号201310594027.3(第一发明人)
[3]一种制备二维散热用取向增强Cu复合材料的方法, 授权号201310590655.4(第一发明人)
[4]一种制备低体积分数多孔碳化硅陶瓷坯体的方法, 授权号201210414247.9
[5]一种发动机气缸活塞用复合材料的制备方法, 授权号201410306561.4(第一发明人)
[6]一种制备刹车鼓用铝基复合材料的方法, 授权号 201410305219.2(第一发明人)
[7]一种提高3D打印17‑4PH不锈钢屈服强度的方法, 申请号201710330152.1 (第一发明人)
[8]一种牙髓针材料及制备方法, 申请号201710331976.0(第一发明人)
[10]一种利用激光增材技术制造铜铬合金的方法,申请号201711143366.4 (第一发明人)
[13]一种制备具有负膨胀系数鳞片石墨/Cu复合材料的方法,申请号201710398686.8 (第一发明人)