杨 芳
姓名:杨 芳
1. Superior mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of powder metallurgy 2195 Al-Li alloy subjected to hot extrusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 962: 171184.(通讯作者)
2. Passivation coating on titanium powder via SnCl4-Ti gas-solid fluidization reaction, Advanced Powder Technology, 2023, 34: 104167.(通讯作者)
3. The “pinning” effect of in-situ TiB whiskers on the hot deformation behavior and dynamic recrystallization of (10 vol%) TiB/Ti-6Al-4V composites, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 22: 1695-1707.(通讯作者)
4. Fine duplex Ti-48Al alloy with high strength produced by forging based on near-γ microstructure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 942: 169058.(通讯作者)
5. The conjoint influence of oxygen and hot extrusion on microstructure and mechanical properties of a powder metallurgy processed aluminum alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022, 861: 144317.(通讯作者)
6. Multiple intermetallic compounds reinforced Ti-48Al alloy with simple composition and high strength, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022, 858: 144152.(通讯作者)
7. High strength and high electrical conductivity in Cu–Fe alloys with nano and micro Fe particles, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022, 855: 143948.(通讯作者)
8. Microstructure and mechanical properties of in-situ TiB2/AlSi7Mg composite via powder metallurgy and hot extrusion, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 19: 1282-1292.(通讯作者)
9. Ti6Al4V alloy fabricated by gelcasting based on low-oxygen gel system using hydride-dehydride titanium alloy powders, Powder Technology, 2022, 395: 534-544.(通讯作者)
10. Understanding processing map and microstructural evolution of powder metallurgy Ti-6Al-4V within a wide range of deformation temperatures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 927: 167061.(通讯作者)
1. Method for preparing oxygen-free passivated titanium or titanium-alloy powder product by means of gas-solid fluidization, 专利号:US11612936B2.(第一作者)
2. 一种复杂形状全致密钛合金薄壁零件的制备方法, 专利号:ZL202111567335.8. (第一作者)
3. 一种高品质钛合金注射喂料的生产方法, 专利号:ZL202110644661.8. (第一作者)
4. 一种超高疲劳强度的粉末冶金钛及钛合金的制备方法, 专利号:ZL202110109529.7.(第一作者)
5. 一种原位颗粒强化金属基复合材料的制备方法, 专利号:ZL202111542459.0.(第一作者)
6. 一种高强钛基复合材料的制备方法, 专利号:ZL202110595152.0.(第一作者)
7. 一种短流程制备大尺寸钛合金螺旋桨的方法, 专利号:ZL202110616443.3.(第一作者)
8. 一种超细钛粉制备高性能粉末冶金钛及钛合金的方法, 专利号:ZL202110099829.1.(第一作者)
9. 一种残钛回收制备高性能粉末冶金钛及钛合金的方法, 专利号:ZL202110098329.6.(第一作者)
10. 一种制备高性能粉末冶金Ti6Al4V合金的方法, 专利号:ZL202010318192.6.(第一作者)