刘 波
姓名:刘 波
邮编: 100083
[1] 2018年国家技术发明二等奖:复杂组分战略金属再生关键技术创新及产业化(排名第三)
[2] 第二十一届中国专利银奖:一种由废杂铝再生目标成分铝合金的方法(排名第二)
[3] 2020年中国有色金属工业科学技术奖一等奖:绿色再生变形和铸造铝合金产业化技术(排名第二)
[1] Shengen Zhang, Bo Liu, Rui Lin. Methods for producing 2024 and 7075 aluminum alloys by recycling waste aircraft aluminum alloys, US Patent No.: US 11,685,966 B2
[2] 刘波,张深根. 一种力学性能可调的粉煤灰基地质聚合物的制备方法,专利号:ZL202211511957.3
[3] 刘波,张深根,张骞. 一种高强度工业固废-水泥复合胶凝材料的制备方法,专利号:ZL202211218139.4
[4] 刘波,张深根. 一种废旧液晶屏中金属铟的回收方法,专利号:ZL201811602117.1
[5] 刘波,张深根. 一种含镍铬不锈钢尘泥无害化处置及资源化利用的方法,专利号:ZL201811602125.6
[6] 刘波,张深根. 一种铁铬固废制备铬改性云母氧化铁的方法,专利号:ZL201511004776.1
[7] 张深根,刘波. 一种碱激发大掺量铜冶炼固废水泥及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202110651066.7
[8] 张深根,温泉,刘波. 一种电解锰渣短流程制备多孔材料的方法,专利号:ZL202211163972.3
[9] 张深根,刘颖,刘波. 一种二次铝灰渣制备泡沫微晶玻璃的方法,专利号:ZL202210575508.9
[10] 张深根,杜森,刘波,王建文. 一种废旧航空铝合金再生制备超净航空铝合金铸锭的方法,专利号:202210639467.1
[1] Shuying Wang, Bo Liu*, Qian Zhang, Quan Wen, Xuhang Lu, Kui Xiao, Christian Ekberg, Shengen Zhang*. Application of geopolymers for treatment of industrial solid waste containing heavy metals: State-of-the-art review [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 390:136053.
[2] Hanlin Shen, Bo Liu*, Ying Liu, Junjie Zhang, Bolin Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhang, Jun Liu & Shengen Zhang*. Recovery of Iron and Titanium in Red Mud with Secondary Aluminum Dross Followed by Manufacturing Glass Ceramics [J]. JOM , 2023, 75:321-330.
[3] Yao Zhang, Jingshu Yuan, Yunji Ding, Bolin Zhang, Shengen Zhang*, Bo Liu*. Metal-free N-GQDs/P-g-C3N4 photocatalyst with broad-spectrum response: Enhanced exciton dissociation and charge migration for promoting H2 evolution and tetracycline degradation [J]. Separation and Purification Technology , 2023, 304:122297.
[4] Rui Lin, Bo Liu*, Junjie Zhang, Shengen Zhang*. Microstructure evolution and properties of 7075 aluminum alloy recycled from scrap aircraft aluminum alloys [J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology , 2022, 19:354-367.
[5] Qian Zhang, Bo Liu*, Kui Xiao, Christian Ekberg, Shengen Zhang. Preparation and hydration of industrial solid waste-cement blends: A review [J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials , 2022, 29: 2106-2116.
[6] Bo Zhou, Bo Liu*, Shengen Zhang*, Rui Lin, Yu Jiang, Xueying Lan. Microstructure evolution of recycled 7075 aluminum alloy and its mechanical and corrosion properties [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 2021, 879:160407.
[7] Bo Zhou, Bo Liu*, Shengen Zhang*. The Advancement of 7XXX Series Aluminum Alloys for Aircraft Structures: A Review [J]. Metals , 2021, 11(5):718.
[8] Shizhen Zhao, Bo Liu*, Yunji Ding, Junjie Zhang, Quan Wen, Christian Ekberg, Shengen Zhang*. Study on glass-ceramics made from MSWI fly ash, pickling sludge and waste glass by one-step process [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production , 2020, 271:122674.
[9] Quan Wen, Yunji Ding, Huandong Zheng, Bo Liu*, Shengen Zhang*. Process and mechanism of electrolytic enrichment of PGMs from Fe-PGMs alloy [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production , 2020, 271:122829.
[10] Junjie Zhang, Bo Liu*, Shizhen Zhao, Hanlin Shen, Jun Liu, Shengen Zhang*. Preparation and characterization of glass ceramic foams based on municipal solid waste incineration ashes using secondary aluminum ash as foaming agent [J]. Construction and Building Materials , 2020, 262:120781.
[1] 张深根,刘波. 固体废物循环利用技术丛书-重金属固废处理及资源化技术,冶金工业出版社,2016.12.
[2] 张深根,刘波. 固体废物循环利用技术丛书-典型废旧金属循环利用技术,冶金工业出版社,2017.02.
[3] 张深根, 郭斌, 刘波. 固体废物循环利用技术丛书-铅锌冶炼渣处理与资源化技术,冶金工业出版社,2021.07.